Welcome to our Deaf Parenting UK Newsletter (Winter 2010) located in our Newsletter page
In this issue you will find:
- Plans to celebrate Deaf Parenting UK’s 10th anniversary in 2011 (including competition to win fantastic prize – Deadline: 31st January 2011)
- Sabina, Asif and baby Rubi’s visit to No 10 Downing Street for Prime Minister’s Eid Reception
- Julie Abbou’s crowning at Miss Deaf International 2010
- One blogger’s comments on interpreters for Deaf Parents in schools
- A wonderful celebration of Deaf sportsmen and women at Sports Personality of the Year
- Courses for Deaf Parents to be held in Bristol in 2011
All links are accessible from our newsletter, but our glossary of websites and email addresses referred to in the newsletter provides quick access to important resources:
- Deaf Parenting UK’s Twitter page: www.twitter.com/deafparentuk
- Deaf Parenting UK’s web site: www.deafparent.org.uk
- Deaf Parenting UK’s Facebook page
- Georgia School for the Deaf
- Miss Deaf International 2010
- Top Tips for Dads
- Philip Booth’s Blog: http://ruscombegreen.blogspot.com
- Family Focus Magazine: http://www.familyandparenting.org
- Information on the parenting courses to be held in Bristol in 2011: Hilary@hilarysutherland.co.uk
Deaf Parenting UK Newsletters comes out every 3 months and are free for all Deaf parents, families, professionals who work with Deaf parents. If you wish to be kept informed of when the newsletter comes out, please let us know or email to info@deafparent.org.uk.
Finally, Deaf Parenting UK wishes you all a festive season and a Happy New Year. Don’t forget the deadline for submissions for the next newsletter is 4th March 2011. We look forward to hearing from you.