(For professional/service providers only)
Where there is a need for referrals for Deaf parents from Social Services/Health in cases of concerns over child rearing, if you would like to refer Deaf parent(s) for one of the above services, you will need to complete a referral form (downloadable from website).
We regret that we are unable to accept any self-referrals from Deaf parent as funding need to be secured via service providers so that Deaf parent can receive support/services free. However we can accept any enquiry/request of interest from Deaf parents so that we can monitor the demand for our services in specific areas and find ways to secure funding.
Referral Form
Click here to download the Referral Form (Word)
(To download, right-click link and save target as…)
Click here to view/download the DPUK Parenting Skills Courses Poster (PDF)