Comments of support from DCAL – Deafness, Cognition and Language research centre to DPUK:
Dr Gary Morgan Co-director DCAL
“The work of the Deaf parents team is a valuable contribution in enabling Deaf children to fully achieve their potential. DCAL supports and congratulates the Deaf parents group on their activities.”
Feedback from our readers:
“Just wanted to say what a wonderful edition this newsletter is, such a pleasure reading all the info and news….keep up the very worthwhile work and a very happy year ahead with even more successful events.” Sandra David (deaf mum and deputy head at Frank Barnes School, London)
“Wow what a beautiful image, Sabina looks amazing on the front cover of NCT Magazine – exactly the kind of positive image we need to see more of.” Reedah El-Saie, Founder of Islamic Art and Design
“Well done in getting the cover of a magazine! Look forward to see ‘Dad’ in pictures too. The article is good, I had it copied for my BSL classes and the response that Deaf parents could cope was very good.” Penny Beschizza, Deaf Parenting UK Trustee
“Well done. Lovely feature and beautiful children.” Kathy Robinson, Deaf Parenting Ambassador UK
“Lots and lots of applauses and praises to Sabina and Deaf Parenting UK!” Mary-Jayne Russell de Clifford, Deaf Parenting UK Trustee
“We were delighted to see Sabina listed in ‘The Times magazine’ as one of the most powerful Muslim women in Britain. Warmest congratulations, this recognition is well deserved.” Ruth and David Myers
“Your story on Channel 5 is inspiring!” Elaine Webster
“You are doing a wonderful job in raising awareness about deafness. Sabina is a remarkable role model for other deaf young people. Very well done.” Professor Waqar Ahmad (Deaf Parenting UK Ambassador), Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research & Enterprise Middlesex University
“Congratulations on all your recent awards and high profile recognition!” Eddie Lynch, Chief Executive, MENCAP
“I am very impressed with the recognition of Deaf Parenting UK.” Deborah Jamieson, Department of Health
“Many Congratulations!” Jackie Driver, Equality and Human Right Commission
“Talking with hands are very impressed by your e-mail. Deaf Parenting UK are real going to make a positive different in the Deaf world.” Rose-Ann, Talking with hands
“Hearty congratulations to everyone involved – a brilliant achievement!” Hilary Grime, Service Manager, Sensory Impairment & Physical Disabilities
“Congratulation to everyone in the team! Well done!!” Troi “Chinaman” Lee, Deaf Rave
“You’ve certainly worked very hard. Well done.” Penny Beschizza, DPUK Trustee
“Congratulations” Angela Abell, TFPL
“For all the success of Deaf Parenting UK and the awards that have been presented to you and the organisation this year, I would like to offer my congratulations for all the hard work I know you have put into the community. P.S You are a star!” Mike Penning, MP and Deaf Parenting UK Ambassador
“C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S!!!! On winning the Social Impact Award for charity organisation. It is an achievement well deserved. You both put in lot of hard work and effort into your organisation (Deaf Parenting UK!!). It is pleasing to hear that you have been recognised worldwide. I am sure this last year has been a rollercoaster of a ride for both of you but as you can see you are reaping the rewards of your hard work. May Allah SWT bless you both and give you and your children happiness, success and wealth for the future.” Rukhsana, Ijaz and Family
“Congratulations on winning the BT Women in the Future Voluntary Award, and for DPUK’s other recent awards and nominations. It sounds as if things are going very well for DPUK. You must be very proud. “ Shanta Everington, Deputy Editor, Disability, Pregnancy & Parenthood international
“Please pass on my congratulations to the rest of the team at DPUK – I am mighty proud of you all! All the best.” Jeff McWhinney, Deaf Parenting UK Ambassador
“Congratulations for winning awards. I am so proud of you both plus you both are Deaf Asian to show good role model well done” Love Tasnim
“Super chuffed, award for biz woman and other awards for DPUK.” Fatima, Andrew and Tamarax
“What wonderful news!!! Please congratulate Sabina on our behalf. We were thrilled to receive your email and see that Sabina’s initiative, voluntary hard work and incredible strength has been shown to the world. Her efforts have been monumental. It is heartening to see Sabina recognised at such a worthy event. We appreciate the special initiatives of BT, its eminent judges, those giving the awards and those creating the event. They have wisely chosen exceptional Women of the Future in Sabina Iqbal. Sabina is an inspiration! All the best from us at!”
“Congratulations on four awards all our love” Parveen & the kidsx
“Many congratulations!” Lilian Lawson OBE, Deaf Parenting UK Ambassador
“Huge congratulations!” Liz Sayce, Chief Executive of Royal Association for Disability Rights
“I want to extend my warm congratulations to you on being honoured for the BT Women in the Future Voluntary Award! It was such a fantastic achievement! Your vision, motivations and inspirations have certainly put Deaf Parenting UK on the map! Once again, congratulations, Sabina! Very best wishes” Craig Crowley MBE, Deaf Parenting UK
“HUGE congratulations! X” Debs Neve
“Congratulations! You’re really inspiring!” Saher Mian
“Congratulations Sabina! Hope all is well with you and your family. Best wishes” Michael, Alice & Aaron Johnson
“Congratulations! I was really inspired when I read the story about your award. I think it’s fantastic what you are doing & to have achieved it whilst being a mum to little children & a wife to your husband is even more admirable. Well done!” Lisa Mills
“I am delighted to hear that Sabina won the Woman of the Future award. Big congratulations and also to all at Deaf Parenting UK Well done!” Gloria Ogborne, Director & Interpreter, Sign Solutions
“A warmest congratulation for achieving a big award and you deserved to receive the award for hard working in Deaf Parenting, etc well done love from us.” Dave Dunlin
“CONGRATULATIONS I’m so happy for you Sabina you deserved it! I m so proud of having a lovely aunty like you love you lots xx xx” Zara J Iqbal
“My best wishes and congratulations on your recent award, that’s a great achievement! I hope you will carry on with the same amount of stamina!” Prof. Ulrike Zeshan, Deaf Parenting UK Ambassador
“Many congratulations on the award you received recently! I was delighted to learn that you were honoured in the BT Women in the Future Voluntary Award at a recent ceremony in London. Many congratulations on what I hope are the first of many awards for the excellent work you do.” Maria Miller MP, Shadow Minister for the Family
“Congratulations!” Dr Lesley Jones, Deaf Parenting UK Ambassador
“BIG congratulations – you should be very proud!” Vanessa Addison
“Well done Deaf Parenting UK”, Ramas Rentelis, Deaf basketball, UK
“Talking with hands are very impressed by your e-mail. Deaf Parenting UK is real going to make a positive different in the Deaf world.” Rose-Ann, Talking with hands
“For all the success of Deaf Parenting UK and the awards that have been presented to you and the organisation this year, I would like to offer my congratulations for all the hard work I know you have put into the community. P.S You are a star!” Mike Penning MP and Deaf Parenting UK Ambassador
“This is fantastic news – what a great achievement.” Abigail Jackson
Sabina gave presentation to Asian Deaf Women Association which was a successful event. “She was great last night; her presentation got my attention and made me want to root for her! Deepa Shastri
“Many, many congratulations to Sabina! This is a very well deserved award.” Anne McDowall
“Congratulations to Sabina – I saw the article about her in a magazine – the Sunday Times I think it was. Very impressive !” Susan Daniels, Chief Executive, The National Deaf Children’s Society
“I just wanted to congratulate her on her massive success, I am neither deaf or a parent. But I have just watched a short documentary on her service on the BBC and found it inspiring. Sabina truly is an inspiration to deaf people and non-deaf people alike. Mashallah! What an amazing example for young women everywhere.” Aisha Malik.x
“We loved the article about Sabina in the Times. Best wishes” Louis Neethling (Executive Producer/ Director, Mutt & Jeff Pictures)
“What an honour to be nominated and such fabulous recognition for you. Many congratulations to you.” Ceri Hughes, Director of KMPG LLP
“Congratulations Sabina!!” Dr Gulnur Aybet, Department of Politics and International Relations, Kent University
“Well done both! You are doing fabulous work and your PR is amazing!“ Dr Paddy Ladd, Bristol University
“Congratulations on achieving your goals!” Kibra Tayes
“Fantastic! I met her last week at the Deaf Professional Network, she was excellent. Very inspirational and I hope all this DPUK will continue, as each one kid – even if it’s only one – is very important, and any improvement to its life is going to be quite a huge achievement. My very best wishes” Ben Fletcher
“Just to say a big thank you to Sabina, I thought it went brilliantly.” Cathy Woolley, Chair of Deaf Professional Network