The of Court of Appeal has issued a judgement as a result of proceedings earlier this year involving a Deaf couple who were challenging a full care order given to a local authority in respect of their daughter. Guidance resulting from the ruling means that all family court cases with a Deaf person involved must now include expert analysis and support around the impact of Deafness from a skilled professional.
A summary of the ruling can be read in Family Law Week:
Legal representatives, local authority staff and social care professionals should ensure they are aware of this useful guidance when working with Deaf Families who require support. The Court of Appeal reminded all relevant state bodies including local authorities and CAFCASS, that they are subject to Equality Act 2010 legislation and therefore owe particular duties to disabled service users/disabled parents.
Deaf Parenting UK (DPUK) is a charity that provides specialised support for Deaf Parents, enabling Deaf parents/parents to help their children achieve positive outcomes across all areas of their lives. At DPUK, we work primarily with Deaf parents whose first language is British Sign Language (BSL) and who face significant barriers around community inclusion and in developing parenting skills and capacity.
Deaf Parenting UK has been recognised by social care and health services as an expert organisation to approach when there is a need for specialist caseworkers to provide one-to one support, or for advocacy to support casework with individual Deaf parents and their families.
For more information about DPUK Specialist Parenting Support, please contact:
Nicole Campbell, Families Project Coordinator
Email: SMS: 07928 842529 (text only)