Asif Iqbal, Media/Project Manager: “We are delighted to welcome our new Equalities Minister – Lynne Featherstone MP, who recognised and value the work of Deaf parenting UK and saw us as the innovative lead in working with Deaf parents, putting them into touch with the support network of other Deaf parents for peer support aswell as receiving support from our staff who are Deaf parents or have Deaf parents. This increased our understanding and empathy with each other, supporting one another and working together to have our voice heard in influencing the Government regarding the needs of Deaf parents in accessing to all services.”.
Lynne Featherstone MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Minister for Equalities), The Government Equalities Office: “The awesome responsibility that parents shoulder to fight for their children is made less lonely and difficult because of Deaf Parenting UK whose work is so very much needed. Parenting is difficult under any circumstances – but when our children have something which makes their life more difficult – then we parents need support to fight those fights – but also to know that we are not alone.”