Hot off the press – Welcome to our DPUK Spring 2012 Newsletter. In this issue you will find:
- Spring welcome from Nicole, DPUK Coordinator
- Update news from Asif, DPUK Manager
- First Deaf MP in New Zealand
- Two New Deaf Parenting UK Ambassadors
- New proposal to Governments for children to maintain contact with Fathers (who separated from children’s mother)
- SEN Specialist funding protected for Deaf children
- Enabling communication is vital in families of Deaf children
- Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Celebration
- HADC’s London 2012 Olympic celebration – a huge success
- Deafax’s new project & campaign: Education & Advices on Relationhips and Sex (E.A.R.S)
- Local Family TV organise International Gala to raise money for charities including DPUK
- 1st NZ Deaf Parents Conference, May 2012
- DPUK Family Events News
- DPUK Families Day Out – 26th May 2012
- DPUK Support Groups diary dates for 2012
- Keeping in Touch
- DPUK Workshops
- Parent Advocate Project – Workshops, funded by TSB Foundation
- DCAL research project – Deaf children wanted.
I hope you find the contents informative, your comments and/or views would be most welcome!
Don’t forget the deadline for submissions for the next newsletter is Friday 8th June 2012.
We look forward to hearing from you.