Next CODA/HMFD Workshop is planned for Sunday 26th June 2011.
These workshops are aimed at the hearing children of Deaf parents.
The morning workshops are a safe place for the children to express themselves and their feelings. Parents are not judged. The workshops are about the children feeling free to talk about their shared experiences with their peers.
We, as a group, have all agreed that what we talk about, in the workshops, stays in the workshops and is not discussed away from the workshops, with anyone!
The afternoon activities are decided by the children and are their opportunity to have fun and be carefree.
Workshop Facilitators, Angie Poole and George T. Taylor, encourage the children to take pride in their bi-culturalism and bi-lingualism. Angie and George are both adult HMFDs, fully accredited workshop facilitators and CRB checked.
CODA = Children of Deaf Adults (English)
HMFD = “hearing (me) – Mother – Father – Deaf” (BSL)
Next CODA/HMFD Workshop is planned for Sunday 26th June 2011.
10:15 – 10:30, meet at Arboretum Hall/Cafe (parents and children).
10:30 – 12:30, WORKSHOP (children age 8-16 only).
12:30 – 13:00, Lunch.
13:00 – 16:00, Afternoon activity (to be announced).
16:30, parents collect children from Arboretum Hall/Cafe.
Please e-mail, address below, to confirm you child’s attendance. This is necessary because numbers are limited.
BSL Talking Hands
Angie Poole & George T. Taylor
- British Sign Language/English Interpreters & Translators
- Workshop Facilitators & Trainers (CODA/HMFD & ‘Parenting Matters’)
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